December 23, 2011

Bits and Pieces

1.  I love caramel.  

2.  I'd love caramel more if it didn't have any calories.  Or if it didn't make me sick when I ate too much. 

3.  The doctor said that walking/running in his cast was okay.  All the kids do it.  Sigh of relief.

4.  My son is now sporting a neon orange cast in order to protect his healing leg from his many energetic adventures.  But only for 2 weeks.  Then his bones should be raring to go.

5.  I think I might be losing the war of the thumb with my baby.  I introduced a pacifier to confuse and distract him but he's sneaky and pretends to accept and enjoy the pacifier while all the time plotting how to get it out and his thumb in without me noticing.  I'm not giving up.

6.  I mailed Christmas cards yesterday.  I know I left it a little late but they are done!!!

7.  I injured my calf muscles at the gym this week.  Who injures their calf muscles?  I did such a splendid job that I couldn't walk for days.  How did I do this?  I did 3 sets of 10 reps of calf lifts.  That's it.  That's how I incapacitated myself.  I feel very pathetic and out of shape.

8.  Rice cereal!!!  My baby is loving it!

9.  Candy making is done.  Presents are wrapped.  Gifts are delivered. 

10.  My cast-wearing son is sick.  He's miserable and throwing up.  I feel so bad for him. 


© Ella's Place

December 18, 2011

Sneaky Baby

Have you ever tried to stop a baby from sucking his thumb? 

 It's hard work!  Constant vigilance is involved because they are sneaky!

They've been chewing on their fingers for months in preparation for this time.  Have they been hungry?  Maybe.  Or were they just trying to lull you into a sense of security so that they can stick their thumb in their mouth without you knowing?

You think, "Oh, they're just chewing on their fingers."  That is until you take a closer look! 

Now, I don't have anything against sucking thumbs except for the dentist bills that will hit down the road. 

So, what can you do to keep the thumb out of his mouth? 

If you're holding him, hold both of his arms down.  Now, you could just hold one arm but remember, they're sneaky.  While you're holding the one arm down, the other is slowly bringing the thumb to their mouth.  And that totaly ruins the whole trying-to-prevent-him-from-sucking-his-thumb thing.  So, make sure to have both arms neutralized or let him hold your hands.     

If you're not holding him, this gives you the perfect opportunity to not only watch him in his adorableness but you can spot the sneaking of the thumb.  Once you see the thumb in his mouth, take it out.  Then watch him again because he's persistant.  And cute!  Repeat this until he tires of it or just gets distracted.  This time is not wasted because he is after all adorable!

Your next option is to give him a toy.  Unfortunately, my 4 month old isn't into the toy thing yet.  So instead of a toy, I send his siblings to play with him.  They think it's fun to stop him from sucking his thumb.  It's a game to them!  Thank goodness he's too young for it to be a game to him!!!  If he thought it was a game, this would totally not work.  

This brings up a basic rule, stop him from sucking his thumb when he's too young for it to be a game.  Because after that, it's way too much work!  

Remember, be vigilant!  be watchful!  and don't forget to enjoy the adorableness!


© Ella's Place

December 12, 2011

Outside the Box

I mentioned my little boy broke his leg last month.  They gave him a pretty cast and told us to come back in a month.  During the visit, they mentioned that other toddlers would come back walking with their broken leg in a cast; I was amazed.  I mean their leg is broken!  Wouldn't that hurt?

We quickly became amazed at how well he got around.  Nothing stopped him.  If anything, it taught him how to think outside the box.  He became even more creative in his antics.  Great!  And amazingly enough, it took around 2 weeks for him to start walking on his broken leg.  Needless to say, I wasn't happy.  I mean what if he interrupted the healing process or damaged his leg in some way by not waiting the full month.  It didn't take long to discover that short of tying him to a chair, which is frowned upon, I couldn't stop him.

Now he's running in his cast.  Somethings just should never be said and running in a cast is one of them.  My mind is boggled by my son.  I mean he broke his leg.  He should not be walking much less running.  

So to make myself feel better, I try to justify what he's doing.  I tell myself that if it hurt, he wouldn't do it.  Then I remember that right after he broke his leg, he would flip himself head over foot or just throw himself off the couch without so much as an exclamation of pain.  He's tough.  He will take a running start towards you just to head butt you.  He doesn't even flinch!  And he comes back for more until he forces you to say no more.  Are little boys made of steel?  Or rubber?  Or maybe both?

Whatever they're made of, thank goodness his doctor's appointment is just a week away.  We'll find out if all the guilt I've been feeling is justified or if it's been unnecessary.  I'm hopeful that his leg will okay because he wouldn't be walking on it if it hurt, right?  And they say that putting pressure or weight on your bones will strengthen them.  I'm hoping that the pressure of walking will have strengthened his bones and the doctor will tell me that I've been a good mom by not being able to stop him from walking. 

Can you tell I'm nervous?


© Ella's Place

December 8, 2011

Mini Miracles

A couple of months ago I found a $100 bill.  It was a busy Saturday at the library with the farmers market across the street sharing the parking lot, which meant there was a lot of foot traffic.  That money could have belonged to any number of people.  Knowing how upset I'd be if I had lost that much money, I turned it in hoping it would find the one who'd lost it.  

A lot of stuff happened right after to pushed that $100 right out of my mind.  In fact, a week later I had a baby and things haven't slowed down since; there's been surgeries, a baptism, cubscouts, visits to family in Utah, a baby blessing and even a broken leg.  We can't forget school with all of the time spent on homework and all the drama that comes with children being in 1st & 3rd grade.  In short, I had forgotten all about it.

Then today I received a phone call requesting my presence at the library to meet with one of the administrators.  I agreed but was bewildered; I couldn't imagine why they needed to speak with me.  I didn't have any outstanding fees or missing materials.  Frankly, I felt like I was still in school and had just been called to the principal's office. 

So, I presented myself and was given an envelope.  Inside was the $100 that I had found all those months ago.  They had advertised for 3 months and no one came to claim it, so they gave it to me.  I guess they were operating on the "finders keepers" premise.

This is the latest in mini miracles that we've experienced lately. 

Like most of the world right now, money is tight for us.  Not just because of the approaching holidays but also because of babies, surgeries, a broken leg and everyday life as a family of 7.  In fact, we haven't been this poor in a very long time and it's scary. 

Then amazing little things began to happen.  The first was being told that my son's broken leg was only going to take 4 weeks to heal instead of the 6-8 weeks we had originally been told.  Along with that, the break required a much simpler cast than expected which meant our lives would be much less complicated.  Next was a refund check from the dentist telling us that we had overpaid them by almost $100.  Then an emergency visit to the dentist was free due to a confusing explanation about a warranty.  Who's ever heard of a warranty on dental work that I'm not even sure they did?  Then finally this unclaimed $100.

A miracle by definition is an act of God or an event that is amazing, extraordinary or unexpected but were these small incidents miracles?  I guess it all depends on your outlook but what it all really means to me is that I know my Father in Heaven is mindful of me.  I'm not alone.  It's not me up against a hard, cruel world but rather it's me working in conjunction with Him.  I don't have to bear the weight of the world or my family on my shoulders.  I just need to do my best and have faith that He will carry me the rest of the way. 


© Ella's Place

December 1, 2011

Coming Out

Why is it that people look down on those who read romance novels?  I've never really been able to understand it.  I mean it's perfectly acceptable to watch a romantic movie or listen to romantic songs.  You may think that there isn't a prejudice against romance novels but there is.  I feel it every time I go to the library to check one out.  Are they trying to make me feel guilty?  Or are they just jealous because they too like to read romance novels but are afraid to admit it?

 So here I am "coming out" to the world saying that I enjoy reading romance novels.  There is nothing wrong with it, unless it is poorly written and that can be said of any book written in any genre.

I'm not afraid to say that not only do I read romance novels but I think some of the best writers have been authors in this genre.  It is hard to write a romance novel that isn't sappy drivel.  There is nothing new about falling in love; it's been done since Adam and Eve.  You may not agree with me and that's fine but before you say anything, I want you to sit down and try to write just a romantic short story that is really good!  It's harder than you may think. 

And if you think about it, there is usually a little bit of romance in every book.  It may not be as exciting as falling in love but its there, in the little things.  A couple holding hands in the background.  A wife devastated by the loss of a husband.  In fact, romance is all around us; you just have to recognize it.

                        Here are my top recommendations for romantic must reads:

My absolute favorite romance author is Georgette Heyer!  She is the queen of romance.  Not only are her books well written but they're witty and vibrant.  Ironically enough, it was my father who first Introduce me to her books.  (It's not only women who enjoy a good romance!) 

Emilie Loring is also at the top of great romance novelists although her books are no longer in print so you'll need to scour the used book stores to find them but trust me, they're worth it! 

I can't leave out Jane Austen; her Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy make my heart happy.  On the same note, Shannon Hale's book Austenland is definitely worth a read  but then again, she had great material to work with.

I just discovered Marcia Lynn McClure.  She is aptly called "The Queen of Kissing."  You can find out more about her here. 

Grace Livingston Hill writes wonderful, uplifting romances with an overlaying theme of Christianity.  I actually named one of my sons after one of her characters.  Don't tell my husband that though.

In speaking of Mary Burchell, I am specifically referring to her Oscar Warrender Saga.  These books are set in the world of opera, classical music and the performing arts and are hard to find.

I have not listed all of the well written romance novelists.  There are many more out there.  You just need to find them.  In fact, I would love to hear some of your favorites!

*Another Disclaimer*
I only read romance novels that have a PG-13 rating and below.  Be careful when you judge a romance novel by its cover.  Some books that have risque covers are actually worthy of a PG-13 rating.  On the flip side, some romance book covers are sedate but are definitely not worthy of a PG-13 rating.

*Yet Another Disclaimer*
This isn't really a disclaimer.  I have 3 bulging bookcases in my room.  My husband would love to buy me another one; so please suggest more authors so I can buy more books! 


© Ella's Place