November 18, 2011

Double Stuff Oreos

I'm emotionally eating right now.  I've had 3 double stuff oreos and I'm not sure I'm done.  Why? 

I just spent the last 30 minutes cleaning up my son and his dirty diaper (#2).  Normally diapers are no big deal but my 19 months old broke his leg on Wednesday.  This is the same little boy who doesn't walk if he can run.  He has so much energy!  And now he's going crazy and taking me with him. 

But back to the why of the oreos, he actually fractured the front of his femur.  Thankfully, it's a small fracture!  Things could have been so much worse.  The only problem is that he has this cast/splint thing on his leg that goes from the bottom of his foot all the way up to his hip bone.  Therein lies the problem.  Since he isn't potty trained, the top of his splint is inside his diaper because it has to be.  I won't go into details because it's gross but I'm sure if you think about it you'll understand why I am stressed. 

I earned those oreos.

He'll be getting his cast on Monday which will make me feel a bit better when he flips himself off the couch.  Head.  Over.  Feet.  He's already done it 3 times.  Or when tries to stand up.  He's done that more times than I care to remember.   Or when he finds yet another way to try to hurt himself. 

I think I need to buy more oreos.


© Ella's Place

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