It's finally happened. My oldest son has his first official Valentine. Her name is Hannah. She's in his class. Here's how it went down:
He wrote a note asking her, "Will you be my Valentine?" At the bottom he made 2 boxes; one labeled yes and the other no. He then gave this note to her while he pretended to grab his journal.
He was nervous. Why? Because like most girls, she showed the note to her friends. Before he knew it, a quarter of the class had seen the note. How embarrassing! Thank goodness she had already checked the yes box before she showed it to everyone.
My son is all hyped up when she gives him the note and he realizes he has a Valentine! So he shows it to 2 people he trusts (his words, not mine). Well, then she gets mad at him for showing the note to someone else. (I laugh now but I can totally remember what it was like. All the drama and angst. How it was all so important!)
Realizing he did something wrong by her avoidance of looking at him, he sent another note asking if she would forgive him with the yes/no boxes at the bottom. She, being a girl, checks both boxes. So now he's worried and confused.
He continues to find excuses to walk by her desk trying to see what he could possibly do to make things right. He even passes another note asking for her to forgive him but this time she doesn't answer. Then one of her friends advises my son to just stop talking to her.
At this juncture, he realizes he needs help. He sends his friends into the fray to help calm down the situation. The best part is that his friends immediately went to the girls that they had crushes on to find out what was going on.
Let's just say, things continued in this manner for a while.
But don't worry because by the end of the day everything ended well. She forgave him. He still has a Valentine. And his friends had an excuse to talk to the girls they liked.
I will admit that through most of my son's storytelling I was laughing on the inside while trying to be supportive and understanding on the outside. But seriously, how cute can it get. The best part is that this whole boy/girl thing hasn't changed since I was his age. It all happened the EXACT same way.
Let's just say I'm really glad I don't have to go through all of that again.
© Ella's Place
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