Have I ever mentioned that my brother lives in Scotland? His wife is a Brit. She came over to get her masters in Kinesiology (dance) at the University of Utah and through a round about way met my brother (via mail). He was living in Italy and she just started writing him because my Aunt thought it was a good idea. The hunch turned out well. My brother actually proposed to her before he even met her. Sounds like a love song doesn't it.
Well he came home, they got married and moved over to England right before their little girl was born and eventually migrated over to Scotland. As you can imagine, it's been a while since I last saw them; almost 10 years. I haven't even met 2 nieces and 1 nephew yet. So I was excited when I found out they were coming over for a visit. But due to airline restrictions on pregnant women traveling, their visit will hit in the during Christmas.
I was really excited for them to visit until I realized that meant that we would have to travel down to Utah for Christmas. I mean we have our own traditions that are deeply ingrained in us. This is mainly due to my LOVE of all things Christmas. We have certain music that we listen to and food that I only make at this time of year. My children have already anxiously asked if my family will allow us to make the same food on Christmas Eve. Or if we'll still be able to have our birthday party for Jesus on Christmas day. Add all of this to the fact that we won't even have beds to sleep on and that we'll have to discreetly transport all of the gifts with us. Which also means that I have to coordinate with Santa about our new location so that he and Rudolph can deliver the children's gifts.
I'm a little stressed/depressed/frustrated.
Stressed because I have to figure all of the logistics out for my family while trying to make their experience a good one. Depressed because we don't get to have our beloved Christmas time together. And also because I probably won't get a single good night sleep the whole time. Frustrated that I'm going through all of this effort for a brother I love but don't really like.
I know that going down to spend this time with my family is the right thing to do. Who knows if this opportunity will ever happen again. But to be completely honest the main reason we're doing this is my Grandma. Having all of her kids, most of her grandkids and all of her great-grandkids in the same place for Christmas is her idea of heaven. And I love my Grandma enough to make this happen before she passes away.
There is a silver lining though. I get to see more of my best friend! We're even having a girl's night out; just the 2 of us watching crazy movies, eating junk and talking the night away! I. AM. SO. EXCITED.
copyright Ella's Place
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