October 11, 2012


I finally have a moment to myself and thought that since you've been neglected for far too long, I'd sit down and let you know that I haven't forgotten you.  I've been adjusting to our new schedule with school starting (They've been in school for one month now!), O'Henry's I-have-to-touch-climb-eat-everything-now stage and everyone hitting a growth spurt so they're eating all the time.  It may not sound like a lot but between getting homework done, hearing about all the drama at school, trying to fit in time to go play with their friends, Cubscouts and getting school stuff set out the night before we hardly have any down time. 

And then there's O'Henry. 

He went from swaying as he walked one day to climbing up on top of the dining room table and pelting everyone with crackers the next day.  He is into absolutely everything!  I'm used to all the kids sort of keeping an eye on him but now that they're all at school, it's just me.  It's exhausting.  Especially since Tater tot seems to be in cahoots with him.  The other day I found O'Henry playing in the pot cupboard with Tater tot sitting around him whilst he poured the salt shaker all over him.  It looked like he'd been out in a blizzard.  And they have this little sensor in their head that tells them when Mommy begins to pull up her blog.  Let's just say that there have been many times I've attempted to write but was interrupted with a situation that required my immediate attention.

Can I just say how grateful I am that they've managed to coordinate their nap time today!

The other day I made 36 muffins and 2 loaves of zucchini bread on in addition to all of the regular meals.  Within 12 hours we only had 12 muffins left.  My mind still has a hard time wrapping around it.  Teeny is complaining constantly of being hungry.  O'Henry is so hungry that if I don't read his mind quick enough, he goes scrounging in the garbage for food.  And since that's gross, I've had to start feeding him every 30 minutes or so just to keep him out. 

Have I ever mentioned that Mr. Ella gets super grumpy and mean whenever he's hungry?  And have I ever mentioned how he passed this trait on to all of our children?  So if anyone is super dramatic or grumpy, we feed them.  Within 15 minutes we have a peaceful household again. 

On the plus side, the food I make is always appreciated!  Which makes me feel special.


copyright Ella's Place

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