January 15, 2013

East Coast Here We Come

New Year's Eve we got a call from Mr. Ella's youngest sister announcing her engagement!  We we're so excited for her but a little bummed that she was getting married in North Carolina the beginning of March.  For us that's a busy time at work so the likelihood of being able to get the time off wasn't good.  Plus the wedding is in North Carolina and we're in Idaho which meant that we'd have to fly out there with 7 people.  That's expensive and we don't have a lot of extra money right now.  (Not only did I just have 3 crowns done but Louie needs 8 cavities filled.)  So we kindly and regretfully announce we wouldn't be able to make it.  

But just last week we got an email from Mr. Ella's aunt offering to help us out with expenses if we would fly out.  This was prompted by Mr. Ella's grandfather's poor health and the fact that he's never even met most of our children.  We still didn't think that we'd be able to make it happen due to work schedules.  So, we prayed and talked it over.  Now Mr. Ella is an accountant and the first 6 days of each month is used to close out the accounts of the previous month.  Because it's such a critical part of his job, no one takes this time off.  Well, Mr Ella went to his boss and explained the situation and was magically given the time off.  Next, my work schedule cleared up too.  One by one the obstacles in our way were falling away.  

With everything falling into place, we spoke to the kids about the situation and we all agreed that we should go.  So, we called up Mr. Ella's aunt to accept her offer and to let her know that not only would we be coming out for the wedding but that we'd be expanding our trip to a whole week and traveling up to Washington D.C. after the wedding to spend the rest of our time visiting with her and the rest of the family out there.  She was so excited that she babbled for 5 minutes straight all the while crying.  Needless to say, everyone else was very excited with our news too.

While I'm excited, this will be our first trip flying with all 7 of us.  It's a little intimidating.  Not only did we have to buy 6 airplane tickets but we have two layovers each way.  I'm a little concerned about making sure all of us and our carry-on luggage makes it with us to each of the planes.  Heaven help us if something important like a sippy cup or stuffed toy gets left behind.  And during all of this, Mr. Ella and I some how have to keep each child entertained and fed so that no one is grumpy.  As an added bonus, Louie and I get motion sick while Mr. Ella has ear issues that we hope won't be aggravated by the pressure inside the cabin.  

All I can say is thank goodness for prayer.  I will be praying, often, that everything will go smoothly and nothing important will get lost.  Then I will plan, plan and plan some more.  If anyone has any suggestions on traveling by air with a larger family, I would love to hear from you.


copyright Ella's Place

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