November 27, 2012

Christmas To Go

Have I ever mentioned that my brother lives in Scotland?  His wife is a Brit.  She came over to get her masters in Kinesiology (dance) at the University of Utah and through a round about way met my brother (via mail).  He was living in Italy and she just started writing him because my Aunt thought it was a good idea.  The hunch turned out well.  My brother actually proposed to her before he even met her.  Sounds like a love song doesn't it.   

Well he came home, they got married and moved over to England right before their little girl was born and eventually migrated over to Scotland.  As you can imagine, it's been a while since  I last saw them; almost 10 years.  I haven't even met 2 nieces and 1 nephew yet.  So I was excited when I found out they were coming over for a visit.  But due to airline restrictions on pregnant women traveling, their visit will hit in the during Christmas.   
I was really excited for them to visit until I realized that meant that we would have to travel down to Utah for Christmas.  I mean we have our own traditions that are deeply ingrained in us.  This is mainly due to my LOVE of all things Christmas.  We have certain music that we listen to and food that I only make at this time of year.  My children have already anxiously asked if my family will allow us to make the same food on Christmas Eve.  Or if we'll still be able to have our birthday party for Jesus on Christmas day.  Add all of this to the fact that we won't even have beds to sleep on and that we'll have to discreetly transport all of the gifts with us.  Which also means that I have to coordinate with Santa about our new location so that he and Rudolph can deliver the children's gifts.  

I'm a little stressed/depressed/frustrated. 

Stressed because I have to figure all of the logistics out for my family while trying to make their experience a good one.  Depressed because we don't get to have our beloved Christmas time together.  And also because I probably won't get a single good night sleep the whole time.  Frustrated that I'm going through all of this effort for a brother I love but don't really like.

I know that going down to spend this time with my family is the right thing to do.  Who knows if this opportunity will ever happen again.  But to be completely honest the main reason we're doing this is my Grandma.  Having all of her kids, most of her grandkids and all of her great-grandkids in the same place for Christmas is her idea of heaven.  And I love my Grandma enough to make this happen before she passes away.

There is a silver lining though.  I get to see more of my best friend!  We're even having a girl's night out; just the 2 of us watching crazy movies, eating junk and talking the night away!  I. AM. SO. EXCITED.


copyright Ella's Place

November 15, 2012

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

In September Teeny discovered a girl in his class had a crush on him.  Which wasn't a bad thing because it turned out that he had a crush on her too.  This of course meant that they were "going together" or whatever they're calling it in elementary school these days.  Coincidentally, this girl's brother is in the same Cub scout troop as Teeny and the following Thursday was Pack meeting.  This meant that I got to meet her.  I was excited to see who had caught my son's eye.  She was pretty and seemed nice but she was hanging all over my son the entire time.  She was obviously twitterpatted.  I thought it seemed a tad excessive for the age but I found out later that she's 11, which explains a whole lot about her behavior. 

Have I mentioned that Teeny turned 9 at the end of the summer?

Well, a week or so went by and suddenly this girl decided that she no longer liked him.  Which is normal for the age.  I didn't think anything of it.  I consoled my son and moved on.  Until he mentioned that she was now being mean to him.  I guess she wasn't okay that he wasn't pining for her.  I advised him to just ignore her.  He replied that it was a little hard to since she now sits by him.  

Later we were on a date and Taylor Swift's latest hit came on the radio.  Teeny started singing along and then inspiration struck.  I teasingly told him that he should sing this song to her to let her know he was so over her and the way she was treating him.  We laughed and forgot about.  That is until he came home from school the next Monday with a huge grin on his face.  Yup, he actually did it.  On the walk home from school Graham had started singing "We are never ever getting....." to her.  As you can guess, she was ticked.  

Let's just say this song came out at the perfect time.

While I find the whole situation funny, I fear that I might have sent the wrong message to my son. Have a taught him to treat his "exes" poorly?  Or have I taught him that it's okay to stand up for himself in a non mean way?  What do you think?


copyright Ella's Place

November 6, 2012

I Voted for Mitt Romney

I'm not a particularly political-minded person.  Don't get me wrong, I like to keep up on the current issues and exercise my right to vote on a regular basis.  I just don't care for the "politics" of politics.  I also don't care for the hurt feelings that tend to happen when people have differing opinions on the matter at hand.  Because of this, I wasn't going to say anything about the Presidential election that's happening today.  But I feel that I must.  So here's your warning: political opinions are expressed below. 

I voted for Mitt Romney.  I stood in line with my two youngest children for 20 minutes, checked in, received my voting ticket and voted.  I contemplated waiting to vote til I could go by myself; no children.  But as I thought about it, I decided that I wanted my children to see me vote for various reasons.  I made the right decision because Tater Tot was quit sad that he didn't get to "bote" too. 

I voted for Mitt Romney for several different reasons.  I'd like to share those reasons with you on the small off chance that one person might be reading this undecided.  I know it's highly unlikely to happen but I'm doing it just the same.

1.  I voted for Mitt Romney because I believe that he has a better grasp at how our economy works.  While the economy wasn't in the best shape when President Obama came into office, he has shown his lack of understanding by more than doubling our national debt in just a few years.  The national debt incurred by President Obama alone is greater than the debt incurred by all of the other 42 Presidents of the United States of America.  For some reason he thought it was advisable to put our country into more debt to pull our economy out of the recession than was needed to be incurred to pull our nation's economy out of the Great Depression.  I don't believe that the debt President Obama incurred was justifiable based on the current state of our economy at this time.  In fact, President Obama's actions goes against all tenants of our free market economy. 

2.  I voted for Mitt Romney because I believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.  That being said, I do not think people who are homosexual are bad people.  I don't.  They are like any other socio-economic group of people, they range from amazing to not-nice-at-all.  While I believe that marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman, I also believe that those in the LGBT community should be able to have some legal rights in relationships as well.  I support civil unions for anyone in the LGBT community who wants to make that long-term commitment.  Because of this belief and President Obama's approval of gay marriage, I support Mitt Romney.

These are just two reasons out of several of why I voted for Mitt Romney.  If you want to know more, ask me.  

If you take nothing else from this post, please vote.  Whatever you believe or whoever you think is the best candidate for the job, vote.  Voting is a precious gift that we have.  Please use it.


copyright Ella's Place

October 19, 2012

Little Known Facts About Me

1.  I randomly break out in dance everywhere I go much to the dismay of Mr. Ella.

2.  I got a butter dish the first Christmas I was married.  That's it.  Don't worry, that's all I asked for.

3.  In middle school, I missed my bus and my Dad made me walk to school.  It took 2 hours and I had to cross a major highway.  I didn't mind though.  It was a good walk.  I spent the entire time making up and singing silly songs.

4.  In high school, I once dressed up as an enormous apple and sang "New York, New York." 

5.  I've had 5 children but have never been "in labor."  All of my children were born via C-section.  I blame it on Teeny.  He was butt and feet first and refused to budge when they tried to move him externally.  With Louie, the hospital insurance refused to cover a v-bac (or vaginal birth after a c-section) so I had another c-section.  And after her, we just stuck with it.

6.  I still sleep with my blanket from childhold.  Not to be confused as my blankie though; that I slept with all the way into high school until my brother took scissors to it in an act of meaness.  I deemed it prudent to store it in my cedar chest after that incident.  At that point I pulled out my Seasame Street blanket that had been made for me as an infant.  I've slept with it ever since.  Except for the year that Louie stole it from me but don't worry, I took it back.

7.  I love the theatre!  I love being in plays.  I love going to see plays. 

8.  I played a french maid a la Comedia de la Arte in college.  I'm a natural flirt and shy.  It made for some fun times.

9.  I get along with guys much better than I do girls. 

10.  I once was an extra on the tv show "Promised Land."  I was on camera for all of 5 seconds.  We filmed on a winters day in an abandoned school.  It made for a very cold 8 hours.

11.  I randomly break out in song too.


copyright Ella's Place

October 11, 2012


I finally have a moment to myself and thought that since you've been neglected for far too long, I'd sit down and let you know that I haven't forgotten you.  I've been adjusting to our new schedule with school starting (They've been in school for one month now!), O'Henry's I-have-to-touch-climb-eat-everything-now stage and everyone hitting a growth spurt so they're eating all the time.  It may not sound like a lot but between getting homework done, hearing about all the drama at school, trying to fit in time to go play with their friends, Cubscouts and getting school stuff set out the night before we hardly have any down time. 

And then there's O'Henry. 

He went from swaying as he walked one day to climbing up on top of the dining room table and pelting everyone with crackers the next day.  He is into absolutely everything!  I'm used to all the kids sort of keeping an eye on him but now that they're all at school, it's just me.  It's exhausting.  Especially since Tater tot seems to be in cahoots with him.  The other day I found O'Henry playing in the pot cupboard with Tater tot sitting around him whilst he poured the salt shaker all over him.  It looked like he'd been out in a blizzard.  And they have this little sensor in their head that tells them when Mommy begins to pull up her blog.  Let's just say that there have been many times I've attempted to write but was interrupted with a situation that required my immediate attention.

Can I just say how grateful I am that they've managed to coordinate their nap time today!

The other day I made 36 muffins and 2 loaves of zucchini bread on in addition to all of the regular meals.  Within 12 hours we only had 12 muffins left.  My mind still has a hard time wrapping around it.  Teeny is complaining constantly of being hungry.  O'Henry is so hungry that if I don't read his mind quick enough, he goes scrounging in the garbage for food.  And since that's gross, I've had to start feeding him every 30 minutes or so just to keep him out. 

Have I ever mentioned that Mr. Ella gets super grumpy and mean whenever he's hungry?  And have I ever mentioned how he passed this trait on to all of our children?  So if anyone is super dramatic or grumpy, we feed them.  Within 15 minutes we have a peaceful household again. 

On the plus side, the food I make is always appreciated!  Which makes me feel special.


copyright Ella's Place

September 20, 2012

Bits and Pieces

1.  I'm pretty sure that I only have writer's block when I sit down in front of my computer.  I have all these cute and witty things to say when I'm running errands or just hanging out with me kids but I've been sitting here for a while and I've got nothing.  It's very disheartening. 

2.  School started last week and I've only forgotten to pick up my kindergartener once.  I was only 10 minutes late.  It was the first day of early release.  That's my excuse.

3.  Our front yard has managed to recover from it's destruction from the replacement of our sewer pipe.  We were able to get some free sod a month or so ago so the grass is looking good.  Then some amazing friends helped my husband replace the sidewalk this past week.  And no stray animals managed to walk across it while it was wet.

4.  My older brother and his family are coming over from Scotland for Christmas this year.  It's been 9 years since they lasted visited.  They'll be here for a whole month.  I'm excited to meet 2 nieces and 1 nephew. 

5.  My older brother has a god complex.  He thinks that he knows all the answer to everything.  That he's the only one who knows how to fix your life.  Since he's an osteopathic doctor, it's a perfect fit.  As a brother, it kind of sucks.  

6.   My 7 year old daughter is moody and full of attitude.  I was counting on puberty not hitting for a few years.  

7.  Why are daughters more flippant  and smart mouthed with their mothers?  This is a serious question.  I never went through this phase but my Mom was mentally ill and physically handicap by the time I would've hit this phase.  So I need all the advice I can get.

8.  Sweet Cheeks lost her first tooth! 

9.  Having just O'Henry and Tater Tot at home in the mornings has been interesting.  It's all about cars, Elmo and hitting each other.  Well, more like O'Henry hitting Tater Tot and then Tater Tot either hitting him back or taking the wooden spoon away. 

10.  O'Henry loves dogs!  He gets so excited when he sees them.  Then he tries to grab their tongue.  It can be a little nerve wrecking when it's a strange dog.  Jamba is used to it and has never bit him.  Although he gets tired of O'Henry keep trying.  It's so funny to see such a big dog run away and hide from such a little boy.


copyright Ella's Place

August 21, 2012

Love You This Much

Mr. Ella and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary this weekend!  I can hardly believe it.  It seems like we've only been married for a few years.  Which is a good thing.  I mean if being married to him felt like forever, that would make the forever we're married to each other seem like a jail sentence.  Which would not be a good thing. 

So even though our anniversary isn't til this weekend, I got my first gift in the mail today.  I got a love note along with 2 cardboard cut outs of his hands with an accordioned piece of paper (over 10 ft. long) between them saying "I love you this much!"

My heart skipped a beat and melted when I saw it. 

It wasn't fancy or even perfectly done but it was perfect for me. 

This is one of the things that I love most about my husband.  He's not afraid to take the time and put together something from his heart.  He's not an artist or even artistically inclined which makes his efforts even more special. 

I can't wait to see what he has planned next!


copyright Ella's Place

August 16, 2012

Bits and Pieces

1.  My children are fearless when it comes to vacuums.  They chase them and in general, make themselves a nuisance when you're vacuuming.  This has unfortunate reprecussions.  2 of my 5 children have had they're skin removed by the vacuum.  O'Henry was the latest victim.  I think it's more traumitizing for me than it is for them because they still keep chasing the vacuum.

2.  I found a donut pan on sale for $9.99!  I'm so excited!  I've wanted one for a while but haven't let myself get one.  But I couldn't say no to that price.  I don't know what kind of donut I should make first.  Chocolate with chocolate frosting, pumpkin with cream cheese, apple spice, cake batter, maple with bacon..........

3.  Someone from our church dropped off a box of yukon and red potatoes.  While we're grateful for it, we don't really eat a lot of potatoes.  I know that it might be considered treason since we live in Idaho but our oldest doesn't like them.  But they were free and we're poor.  So, I made hashbrowns for breakfast this morning and amazingly enough, everyone ate them.  Even Teeny.  And they all asked for seconds. 

4.  Have I ever mentioned that my baby likes to eat the dirt from my potted peppers?  He won't eat just any dirt.  It has to be from my pepper pots.  Maybe it has more nutrients or something.  Or maybe he just likes spicy food.

5.  My baby isn't going to be a baby for much longer.  He's going to be turning 1 this month.  While I support things like him walking (so I don't have to carry him), eating normal food (baby food is expensive) and talking (there's less crying when they can tell you what they want); I'm going to miss having a small cuddly ball of cuteness around.  Someone who doesn't argue with you.  Someone who just needs me to hold him or his world will come crashing down around him. 

6.  Teeny has earned his Wolf award in CubScouts!  He's so excited and we're so proud of him!

7.  If you can't tell, I'm kind of sad that we're done having babies.  I know that our family is complete and I won't really miss changing dirty diapers but there's still a little part of me that wants a baby around.  I've already informed my children that I expect at least 2-3 grandbabies from each of them.  Preferably when they're older (in their 20's) and married.

8.  School won't be starting til September 11th for my children this year.  While I'm slightly jealous that other kids are already in school (my children need a break from each other), our school was built in the 50's and doesn't have air conditioning so it's works out for the best. 

9.  I have always made a big deal about every child's first birthday cake.  Teeny had  a 3-D car cake.  Louie had a 3-D duck.  Tater tot had a 3-D fire truck.  Sweet Cheeks had a 3-D...., I'm sure you can see a pattern here.  I've decided that O'Henry is going to have a caterpillar with 8 segments so that everyone can have they're own segment.  I'm going to the candy store today for decoration inspiration.  I'm thinking M&M's, peach rings, sprinkles, flattened airheads that I can cut shapes out of......  I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to do spirals out of candy.    Any suggestions?

10.  My kids asked about sex the other day at the dinner table.  Mr. Ella and I firmly believe that if they're ready to ask a question then we should answer it.  We usually give general basics at first but if they continue to ask questions like how or why things work, we tell them.  We'd rather they learn about it from us than learn it from someone else. 


copyright Ella's Place

August 8, 2012

Who Knew Brushing Your Teeth Could Be So Dangerous?

I'm pretty sure that my daughter will never forgive me for telling this story but I just can't help myself.  So let's just keep this between ourselves and maybe she won't find out.  Hopefully. 

Let me begin by pointing out that we only have one bathroom for 8 people.  That's right.  One bathroom.  Needless to say we have an "open door" policy.  Which basically means you can't lock the door just in case there is an emergency potty situation and with 5 people in the house being under 9 years old, you can imagine how frequently this happens.  There is also the fact that even though you lock the door, the lock pops open if you jiggle the knob.  I don't see this changing anytime soon as Mr. Ella is not handy.  I still love him though.

So, a few nights ago the kids went to the bathroom to brush their teeth before bedtime.  While everyone else was busy getting their toothbrushes and toothpaste, Teeny decided he needed to use the bathroom.  Well, Sweet Cheeks was the first to begin brushing her teeth and went to claim the prize of sitting on the toilet seat.  Without looking behind her.  You can see where this is going.  She ended up falling in the toilet and then to top it off, received an unwelcome shower. 

I had no clue but did you know that it takes boys a few seconds to stop peeing?

Poor Sweet Cheeks.  Not only was she soaked in grossness but we couldn't technically punish her brother for anything.  He technically didn't do anything wrong.  We have had to threaten him to keep his lips closed regarding this matter.  You could see the desire to share this juicy bit of grossness with all of his friends.  We've assured him that dire consequences will occur if we find out he shared this with ANYONE.  Which is partly why I feel guilty about sharing the story myself.  But I had to tell someone.

My lack of posts have been due to several things; problems with my internet, frustrations with my computer and pure laziness.  Everything else but my laziness has been resolved.  Hopefully school starting will chase away the summer laziness part.  We'll see.


copyright Ella's Place

July 5, 2012

My Baby

1.  My baby's two front teeth grew in slanted and it looked like he had fangs.  He looked like a baby vampire.  It was a little disconcerting because he looks like an cherub with his blue eyes and shiny blond hair and then he would open his mouth...  

2.  My baby loves to pull hair.  If you only have a half of inch of hair, he'll find a way to pull it.  Our nightly family prayer is a dangerous time; all those heads of hair bowed down with eyes closed.  He's like a little kid in a candy store.  He usually grabs a handful from 2 separate heads.  

3.  My baby thinks his big brother Tater Tot is the funniest person on this earth.  Tater Tot will do something cute and the baby will laugh and laugh but Louie or Teeny will do the same thing and he just stares at them.        

4.  My baby loves toes.  I would catch him chewing on his toes and laugh because I was sure that he thought that they were thumbs.  When you're that small, they kind of look alike.  But he hasn't sucked or chewed on his thumbs in months yet he's still sucking on toes.  So, I've decided that he must of thought his thumbs were toes and that's why he would suck on them.

5.  My baby is fascinated by our dog's tongue.  Every time he sees our dog, he tries to grab Jamba's tongue.  It's a little scary.  He just blindly sticks his hand into the dog's mouth... I admit to having a mini heart attack the first time that happened.  Thus far, Jamba has never bitten him.  I'm quite proud of Jamba because a year ago things would have been different. 

6.  My baby loves shoes.  He doesn't want to wear them, he wants to lick them.  It gross and disgusting but what do you do.  There are 8 people living in my house which equals a whole lot of shoes.  There's just no way to keep him away from shoes.  I tell myself that he's just building up immunities as I substitute the shoe with a cracker.

7.  My baby was having a hard time gaining weight.  At his 3rd month check up, he was in the 10th percentile for weight.  Then at his 6th month check up he went all the down to the 3rd percentile.  He was nursing all the time and even had a bottle of formula a day.  He was even eating rice cereal.  It just didn't make sense.  So his doctor politely suggested giving him more bottles of formula each day because sometimes a Mom's milk can go a little skim.  So we did and he gained 2lbs. in one month.  Yay!  At his 9 month check up he was in the 49th percentile for weight!!!!!

8.  My Baby sneaks into the bathroom every chance he can get so that he can turn on the hot water and stick his hand in it.  We try to keep the door shut as much as we can but Tater Tot knows how to open doors now and doesn't fully appreciate the concept of why we need to keep the bathroom door shut.  Needless to say, I check to see if the bathroom is shut about 100 times a day.

9.  My baby was named after a great-grandfather from my side and Mr. Ella's side.  At least, his middle name is named after them.  I couldn't bring myself to give him Henry as a first name.  It just didn't feel right.  His great-grandfather on my side was Henry Jones.  His great-grandfather on Mr. Ella's side was Patrick Henry Hannon.  We fondly referred to our baby as O'Henry before he was born.  I even hunted down an O'Henry chocolate bar (They're hard to find here in Idaho.  Only one store carries them.) and gifted it to my husband right before I was scheduled for the c-section.

10.  My baby has blue eyes the color of blue jeans and blond hair that looks like it's being lit up from the inside.  He is adorable!  We have a friend, a hair stylist, who covets his hair every time she sees him. 


© Ella's Place

June 18, 2012

Bits and Pieces

1.  My father-in-law has Cirrhosis of the liver not because of alcohol use but because of a lifetime of eating fatty everything combined with diabetes.  He's not a transplant candidate due to his age (70) and his poor health.  We found out in May but it just hit Mr. Ella that his Dad is going to die within the year.

2.    My baby had a rash on his bottom so I cleaned him up and let him crawl around naked in the backyard.  Tater Tot immediately decided that he needed to be naked too.  Was he motivated by empathy or is he a budding nudist?

3.  Louie, my oldest daughter, has been inspired by Teeny's recent trip to California to see SuperCroc.  She's decided that she's going to save her money so that we can go to Sea World in San Diego.  She picked Sea World because she LOVES sharks and they have a pool with just sharks.  She won't get to swim with them, much to her dismay, but I guess seeing 30-50 sharks swimming together makes her happy. 

4.  I'm still recovering from a bout of strep throat (I'm still mad my parents didn't have my tonsils taken out when I was little) and am having a hard time getting to sleep.  I've been falling asleep around 5 am. 

5.  I am tired.

6.  I'm addicted to protein smoothies.  Some vanilla protein powder, orange sustain (a gatorade-like drink) powder, banana and pineapple....  seriously good!

7.  I went for a walk with my husband last night and since I don't know how to walk slowly, it only took 10 minutes to walk a mile.  I don't know how to dawdle.

8.  The tan I acquired from my recent vacation has finally started to go away!  I've worked hard at not maintaining it.  I like being pale.

9.  This morning I gave Teeny and Tater Tot a hair cut.  I was so proud that Tater Tot sat quietly through the whole thing.

10.  Lately, Teeny has become obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine.


© Ella's Place

June 6, 2012

California Trip

The view just a one minute walk from our hotel

I discovered I have a bridge phobia because the thought of driving over 8 1/2 miles of bridge to get to San Francisco scared me to death

So we took the ferry

We met Claude the albino alligator at the California Academy of Science

Doesn't Claude look creepy and hungry? 

Teeny named his momento Suchhi (because it kind of looked liked Sarco suchus Imperator or SuperCroc) with Mike, Junior and Abel her babies

Teeny in front of the Oakland California Temple for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Isn't it beautiful?

And here is the whole reason for our trip.  I'd like to introduce you to SuperCroc.  It's mouth was so big I could have easily fit in it.

It looks like SuperCroc decided Teeny would make a nice snack

This elephant knew it was time to eat and was patiently waiting at the food drop off spot

Teeny channeling his inner alligator

View of San Francisco from the ferry on our way to Pier 39

Alcatraz island

We weren't the only one crazy for alligators and crocodiles.  Here's what we found in the window of Boudin's Bakery; bread shaped into a momma alligator and her baby with a few turtles.  I'm not sure why turtles but they're cute. 

Our last morning in California.  I had promised Teeny could make a sand castle everyday but we never got to it.  Here's is our last minute attempt made with a juice cup from breakfast.


© Ella's Place

June 1, 2012

Freezer Meals

In my last post I mentioned the frenzy of freezer meal making I recently went through.  My motivation was realizing this summer is going to be warmer than usual and since we don't have air conditioning, I decided to cook the stuff that would really heat up my house a.k.a. meat.  We're lucky enough to have a freezer chest that we only stock with meat and cheeses so I was able to cook up meat that we already had. 

I made over 40 meat portions for meals and it really didn't take that much time.  I made everything in 7 nights only working for 2-3 hours.  And since I cooked the meat overnight in order to avoid heating the house during the day, there was some work the next morning when I shredded the meat but it didn't take more than 30 minutes.  I also have 2 crockpots which really made things easier.  It was nice to be able to have BBQ beef and pulled pork cooking at the same time.  I also prepped all of the veggies beforehand.  I chopped all of the peppers and onions at the same time and pulled them out of the fridge when I was ready.

I froze everything flat in Ziploc freezer bags to make it easier to store the meals.  By freezing everything flat, you're able to stack things sideways or on top of each other.  This allows you to fit more meals in your freezer.

When you defrost the food, place the freezer bag into the fridge the night before to allow time to defrost.  Reheat the food and serve.

In honor everyone else who doesn't have air conditioning and tries to avoid heating up an already hot house, I thought that I would share some of the recipes with you.

                                                                 BBQ Beef

             1  2-3 lb. lean chuck or bottom round roast


1 1/2 cup   ketchup
            1   chopped onion (or 1 cup if pre-chopped)
   1/4 cup  brown sugar
   1/4 cup  red wine vinegar
     2 Tbs.  brown mustard
     1 Tbs.  Worcestershire sauce
      1 tsp.  liquid smoke flavoring
      1 tsp.  hot pepper sauce
   1/2 tsp.  salt
    1/4 tsp.  black pepper, I prefer freshly ground
    1/2 tsp.  garlic powder

Place the beef roast in the crock pot with the fatty part facing up; this allows the fat to baste your roast while it's cooking.  In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients for the sauce.  Whisk together well.  Pour the sauce over the roast.  Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours or until tender.  Remove the roast and shred the meat.  Place the shredded meat back into the sauce in the crockpot.  Stir to coat the meat. 

Allow the bbq beef to cool.  Transfer to a gallon freezer bag; I use Ziploc.  Squeeze all of the air out of the bag and seal it.  Lay the bag flat on a cookie sheet or cutting board; shmoosh the bbq beef until it's even and flat inside the bag.  Put the cookie sheet/cutting board into the freezer.  Once the bbq beef is frozen, remove the cookie sheet/cutting board and store in the freezer.

                                                       Dressed-Up Sloppy Joes

            1 lb.  lean ground beef
                1  medium onion, chopped (or 1 cup if pre-chopped)
                1  green pepper, chopped (or 1 cup if pre-chopped)
         1 Tbs.  minced garlic, I use the pre-minced store bought garlic
       3/4 cup  ketchup
          1 tsp.  mustard
         3 Tbs.  brown sugar
    1 1/2 tsp.  red wine vinegar
       3/4 tsp.  Worcestershire sauce
            3 Tbs.  tomato paste
 1/3-1/2 cup  water to reach desired consistency
                      freshly ground pepper to taste

Brown the ground beef with the onion, green pepper and garlic.  Season to taste with salt.  In a bowl mix the remaining ingredients except the water.  Whisk together.  Pour into the hamburger mixture.  Stir to combine.  Stir in 1/3 cup of water.  Add more water if desired.  Cover and turn heat to low.  Simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Take off heat.

Allow the sloppy joes to cool.  Transfer to a gallon freezer bag; I use Ziploc.  Squeeze all of the air out of the bag and seal it.  Lay the bag flat on a cookie sheet or cutting board; shmoosh the sloppy joes until it's even and flat inside the bag.  Put the cookie sheet/cutting board into the freezer.  Once the sloppy joes is frozen, remove the cookie sheet/cutting board and store in the freezer.

Source:  slightly adapted from Our Best Bites

                                                   Easy Crockpot Pulled Pork

   1  large  Vidalia onion, sliced thin
     2 Tbs.  brown sugar
     1 Tbs.  paprika
      2 tsp.  kosher salt
   1/2 tsp.  freshly ground black pepper
 1  4-6 lb.  boneless pork butt or shoulder
   3/4 cup  apple cider vinegar
      4 tsp.  Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tsp.  crushed red pepper flakes
1 1/2 tsp.  sugar
   1/2 tsp.  dry mustard
   1/2 tsp.  garlic salt
   1/4 tsp.  cayenne pepper

Rinse pork roast under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. 

Placed the thinly slice onions in the crock pot.  In a small bowl, mix the brown sugar, paprika, kosher salt and pepper.  Mix well.  Rub mixture all over the roast.  Place the roast in the crock pot on top of the onions.

In a two cup liquid measuring cup; combine the apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, red pepper flakes, sugar, dry mustard, garlic salt and cayenne pepper.  Whisk or stir with a fork to combine.  Pour 1/3 of the mixture over the roast.  Cover and refrigerate the rest of the vinegar mixture.

Cover the crockpot and cook on low for 10-12 hours.  Pour the remaining vinegar mixture over roast when there is only 1/2 hour cooking time left.  Cook for the remaining time.  Remove roast leaving the sauce in the crockpot.  Chop or shred the meat.  Put the meat back into the sauce.

Allow the pulled pork to cool.  Transfer to a gallon freezer bag; I use Ziploc.  Squeeze all of the air out of the bag and seal it.  Lay the bag flat on a cookie sheet or cutting board; shmoosh the pulled pork until it's even and flat inside the bag.  Put the cookie sheet/cutting board into the freezer.  Once the pulled pork is frozen, remove the cookie sheet/cutting board and store in the freezer. 

After you defrost and reheat the pulled pork, you can drain some of the sauce according to your taste.

Source:  slightly adapted from My Baking Addiction

All of these recipes are beloved by my family.  In fact, my sister hated sloppy joes and bbq beef until she tasted these recipes and now she's first in line when they're on the menu.  


© Ella's Place

May 31, 2012

Ice Cream

So I just got home from a very long ceremony at my children's school.  We were outside for over 2 hours and it was hot.  And I walked.  All I can say is thank goodness for an amazing baby stroller that made everything so much easier.  I had the two younger boys in their seats and Sweet Cheeks sitting on the foot rest.  It was perfect!  So after I put the two boys down for a nap, Sweet Cheeks and I decided to reward ourselves with ice cream. 

I love ice cream!  I love ice cream with nuts and chocolate even more.  Throw a little caramel in and I'm in heaven.  The only problem is that I want a bit of nuts, chocolate and caramel in every bite.  But that never happens.  So I'm one of those people.  You know those people that dig out the nuts and chocolate bits but leave the rest of the ice cream behind.  It always annoys me to no end when someone else does that.  But I just can't stop myself.  We need to send a petition to the ice cream companies demanding nuts and chocolate bits in every bite!  I might even stop digging around if that actually happened. 

I love serving ice cream to the younger kids because they don't realize that I've already eaten all the good bits out of their portion.  I'm sneaky!  I can't get away with it when it comes to the older kids though.  So I have to take advantage of it now while Sweet Cheeks, Tater Tot and O'Henry are still gullible.  I don't know what I'm going to do when my children are all old enough to realize what I'm doing. 

So, I have to apologize to you yet again.  So much has happened in the past 2 weeks that I've neglected you.  I went to San Francisco for 5 days and it was so much fun but I'll post more on that later. Than I had decided that I needed to make and freeze lots of meals because the summer heat was going to be too much for me to want to actually cook (we don't have air conditioning) so I decided to get all of the hard stuff (meat) out of the way.  I cooked over 250 meatballs, 2 batches of pulled pork, 3 batches of pork burrito meat, 9 batches of sloppy joes, 4 batches of BBQ beef, 3 batches of taco meat, 7 lbs. of chicken (cubed), a whole turkey (shredded), chocolate mint cookies and snickerdoodles.  The cookies are already gone.  Then I had to try to catch up on all the blogs that I follow which is way too time consuming.  Then I procrastinated a bit.  Oh and I read a lot of books.  And that was what I've been doing the past 2 weeks.     


© Ella's Place

May 21, 2012


My husband was gone on a business trip last week.  I have to admit that at first I missed him.  But then I didn't.  It's not as bad as it sounds, let me explain.

I love my husband a lot.  He loves me back.  He shows his love for me by taking care of me and I let him because I understand why he does it.  I will admit that I do enjoy being taken care.  I didn't think I would at first.  I was firmly independent.  I almost never asked for help with anything.  I just did it myself. 

After a few years of being taken care of, I wondered if I had become too dependent upon my husband.  About 4 years ago my husband left on his first extended business trip.  It was wonderful!  I was able to prove that I could not only take of myself but my children as well.  At least for a week. 

So when I found out my husband was leaving again, I started to get excited.  I've had 2 children since that last trip and I wanted to see how I would do by myself. 

When he left, I was sad to see him go and I missed him quite a bit that first day.  Then I was  caught up in the joy of independence again.  I was able to take care of myself and all 5 of my children.  It was like finding a piece of me that had been missing.   

In addition to exerting my independence, I appreciated the more serene atmosphere that permeated the house with my husband gone.  He's our drill sargent.  He keeps us on our schedule and co-ordinates the house cleaning.  There may be some grumpiness and yelling involved in his tactics...... But I'm glad he's back.  I don't want to have to take care of my family without him.  He does such a good job at it!


© Ella's Place

May 14, 2012

Bits and Pieces

1.  We finally got running water (toilets, showers, washing machine....) Tuesday night!!! 

2.  Showers are absolutely AMAZING!

3.  Tater tot borrows a skirt from his sister so that he can dance along when we watch Dancing With The Stars.

4.  My baby licked the bottom of Sweet Cheek's shoe today.  At least he's building up his immunities.

5.  Did you know that Home Owner's insurance doesn't cover a dime of replacing your sewer line? 

6.  Despite my efforts the school board approved of the changes in curriculum and uniforms at my children's school.  I'm not very happy about it but I'm going to pester the Principal with requests for information on every aspect of the changes.  Then I'm going to constantly follow up.  In short, I'm going to make a nuisance of myself and make sure that they know that I'm watching them.  Either they'll make a mistake or it will up their game and everything will turn out all right.

7.  I worked the soil and laid out the garden this weekend.  Now all I have to do is finish planting.  I hesitate to plant because it's May in Idaho.  It may be warm right now but snow can't be ruled out til June.

8.  My baby has been eating almost non-stop lately.  Last night for dinner he had 2 pancakes, 1/2 of a banana and a bottle.  Then he had another bottle, 1/4 of a apple and two 6 oz. bottles of baby food just a few hours later.  I'm pretty sure a growth spurt is coming.

9.  I had a wonderful Mother's Day!  I got to sleep in, take my time getting ready, came home from church to find a scavanger hunt love story, got a nap, had an amazing breakfast for dinner and got to spend time with my family.  It was the best!

10.  Exactly a week from now I will be in California!!!  I'm so excited!  My son can barely contain himself.  Yay!!!

As I wrote this, my baby crawled up and started sucking my toe.  I think he likes feet.


© Ella's Place

May 6, 2012

Sunday Morning Surprise

I feel like crying.  I woke up this morning to find out our sewer line had collapsed by the main line connection.  How did we know?  When my son flushed the toilet, water backed up in the bath tub.  That's never a good sign.  The plumber came out at 7 am this morning and it took him a couple of our before we got the harsh verdict.  I'm hoping that I'm still asleep and this is all a horrible dream. 

What does that means to us?  We can't use the toilet or shower til Monday night at the earliest.  We can use the running water as long as we don't let it go down the drain.  And it's going to cost a lot of money that we don't have.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how this is going to work with 7 people in the house. 

Is it wrong to be grateful that my sister is out visiting family instead of being home?

Anyways, I'm stressed and since I had already decided to cut sugar out of my diet for the next week, I can't enjoy the glow of a chocolate coma.  And obsessively eating carrots and celery is not that emotionally satisfying for some reason.

On a happy note, we did go to the drive-in last night to see "The Avengers" and "John Carter of Mars". 


© Ella's Place

April 30, 2012


I need to apologize for not posting last week.  I was distracted.  That is my only excuse.  But I was distracted by 2 really good distractions. 

 First, it was show time for the musical presentation that I participated in.  It was amazing!  This musical presentation was both choral and orchestral.  I'd never sung with a full orchestra before.  It brought a depth to the performance that I'd never experienced before.  Everyone performed so well.  It was definitely a heart touching experience.

We also had an wonderful director and producer who worked tirelessly to make this happen.  The most amazing thing was that no one was paid to participate.  Everyone (lighting, orchestra, director, choir....) was a volunteer.  We gave of our time and talents to make this happen.

Another highlight of the last performance was that the composers were there to see it performed for the very first time!  Yup, we were the very first in the world to perform it.  The composers were so nice and fun.  I only hoped we performed it up to their expectations.

My other distraction were some changes that my children's elementary school are proposing to implement next school year.  My husband went to a meeting that explained the changes and then a flyer vaguely outlining what they wanted to happen was sent home to all of the parents.  They weren't minor changes either.  Let me explain.

Our school is the poorest school in our district.  We haven't met the state testing requirements for over 5 years now.  So they have decided in an effort to better focus our children on learning; our children will be required to wear uniforms, have longer school days and the most frustrating part for me, is that they will cut science and fine arts from the curriculum.  Science and fine arts will only be taught if they are part of the lesson dealing with reading or math.  I. Am. Not. Happy.

I'm not a big fan of uniforms but I appreciate how easy it will be for my kids to pick clothes in the morning.  There will be no more, "What should I wear today?"  But......  as I mentioned our school is in a poor area.  Over 90% of our student are on free or discounted lunches.  We have a backpack program that provides a backpack full of food each weekend to those children who wouldn't have any food to eat otherwise.  I don't understand how they expect these parents to buy these uniforms.  A fair amount of these parents rely on hand-me-downs or thrift store to provide clothing for their children.  The school has acknowledged that some parents will need help but I don't think they are being realistic.  They say that if a child comes to school with no uniform, they will provide one for the child to wear for the day.  At the end of the day, the uniform would need to be returned to the office.  The laundry, mending and teasing issues just boggle my mind.  They also say they will help parents buy uniforms for their kids.  How are they going to afford that?  Say you buy only 2 uniforms for only 60% of the school, that still over $2500.   But those uniforms won't last long because kids grow and tend to put holes in the knees. 

Did I mention that they will also require a specified length for the boys hair and the girls bangs?

As for taking science and art out of the classrooms.......  My daughter came home distraught when her teacher told her about this change.  She was so upset that not only were they not going to do art projects but that they would no longer do science.  She LOVES science!  In fact, she's wants to be a marine biologist specializing in sharks.  (I don't know why she chose sharks.  They scare her but she is fascinated.)

I can understand that the school is trying to find a way to meet state testing requirement.  I applaud the effort but taking science and art out of the classroom is not the way to do it.  The fine arts have been proven to not only increase creativity and finding solutions to problems but it has been proven to enhance a child's understanding and learning of any subject from math to reading.  As for science, elementary school is the time where kids are the most curious about there environment and how things work.  It's also the time where a love of science is fostered.  But the clincher of the matter is that our school is the only one in the district not being taught science.  So when these children go to junior high/middle school, they will be so far behind in their understanding and knowledge of science that is taught at that level. 

The worst part is that it feels like the school is being sneaky about this all.  The note sent home to the parents was far from clear and they left out a lot of details.  They also mentioned the new uniform rule first which, in my opinion, was done to take the focus off of no more science and fine arts.  And from everyone I talked to, it worked.  I mentioned the no science thing and every last one of the parents were appalled.  They also only informed the parents less than two weeks before the school board will make a decision on whether to go through with the proposed changes.  They are hoping to keep protests and objections to a minimum.

So, not only have a posted on my facebook page a link to email our school board representative but I have outlined the missing details from the note sent home.  I have given the principal a chance to clarify the matter in an email.  After that, both my husband and I will send an email our school board representative.  I plan on getting as many signatures to a petition protesting these changes as I can.  Then I will attend the school board meeting discussing this issue and presenting the petition at the meeting. 

I do not plan on letting this go.  My children deserve better.


© Ella's Places

April 20, 2012

Tater Tot

Tater Tot is one of my sons.  It's not his actual name.  But it is a fairly obvious nickname choice since he was born in Idaho where the potato reigns supreme.  My Dad thought it would be funny.  And it's stuck.  We'll see for how long.

I've actually talked about him quite a bit on here.  He is the one who broke his leg and managed to ignore pain and lack of mobility to overcome any and all obstacles in his way.  He is the one who refuses to say more than a few words and rarely any with consistency although we are up to 15 words now with only 8 understandable to others.  He is also my almost two year old who just celebrate his 2nd birthday.  It was Elmo themed; as if there would be any doubt.

What you don't know about him is that he refused to wear shoes until this past winter and only conceded because his toes would get too cold.  Now, he's obsessed!  Not only does he insist that he has shoes on at all times when he's outside but he parades around the house in any pair of shoes that he can get a hold of.  Why is it that little boys are amazing at walking around in oversized high heels?  

He also LOVES being outside!  The moment he discovered it was warm enough to not completely freeze his fingers off, all he wanted to do was be outside.  He spends every minute I allow him outside and has to be dragged in against his will.  

And I can safely say that he does not like strangers.  My sister moved in with us a year ago and it took him 3 months to allow her to hold him for a short time.  He still avoids her if she tries to touch him.  It took 18 months and much licorice for him to allow my Dad to hold him occassionally.  There is a man at our church who has made it his mission to get my son to look at him for more than 1 minute.  It hasn't happened yet.

He also terrorizes his older sister, Sweet Cheeks.  It's so funny because she would terrorize Teeny and now it's come back to bite her in the butt, sometimes literally.  He chases her around while growling and yelling at her.  If she hits him (the same way she would hit Teeny), he slugs her right back.  If she takes away his toy, he bites her; for which I don't approve.  But he also adores her.  If she gets dressed up in her tutu and dances around the living room, he borrows a tutu so he can join in the fun.  He follows her around trying to do everything that she does.  And when he gets caught being less-than-nice to her, he always gives her a kiss and hug to say sorry.

So this is my not-so little Tater Tot.  (The doctor just said that he's all set to be as big as a linebacker when he grows up.)  He's loves to laugh, is an amazing cuddler and doesn't allow small things to get in his way.  He loves shoes, getting dirty outside and ignoring everyone but family.  And if you see him with his sippy cup, take a step back and leave him alone; it's his sacred time. 


© Ella's Place

April 16, 2012

Secret to Motherhood

Have you ever wondered what happens at other people's houses?  What their lives are like everyday?  How they do things? 

I do.  I'm afraid that I'm doing something wrong.  That as a Mom, I'm lacking in some way.  And if I could just observe the home life of other people I could figure out what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.  And then fix the stuff I'm doing wrong.

It's one of my secret fears.  I haven't even told my husband yet.  What if I am a failure as a Mom?  My Mom wasn't available for most of my life so, what if I missed out on some "Mom secret" that my Mom was supposed to teach me but couldn't?  What if there's a manual of "how to raise your kids" that I don't know about because my Mom didn't clue me in?

If you know the secret but have been sworn to secrecy, I beg of you to contact me.  You don't even have to tell me what it is; although I won't say no if you do feel inclined to share.  I only want to know if there is in fact a secret to Motherhood.  Something that will allow me to say the right things at the right time to help each of my children to be the best that they can be.  If I know there's a secret to Motherhood, maybe I could find a loophole in the secrecy clause and convince one of my Grandmothers to enlighten me.  But I can't ask if I don't know.

In the meantime, I'm just going to love my children.  I find that they forgive me more easily for my mistakes if I give the regular cuddles and kisses.  Although, I'm still going to wonder what other people are doing too. 


© Ella's Place

April 4, 2012

Bits and Pieces

1.  I love Dancing with the Stars.  I wish the costumes were more modest but I've loved ballroom dancing for years.  Ever since the movie Strictly Ballroom and those ballroom competitions they used to broadcast on PBS. 

2.  We picked up Sweet Cheek's new backpack for school.  It's perfectly striped for her!

3.  My baby is crawling everywhere and into everything!!!

4.  While we were in Utah, our dog managed to escape several times.  My poor sister was seriously stressed.  After having to pick him up from the pound during her lunch hour, she decided that he needed some time in his crate to contemplate his behavior. 

5.  My oldest thought that it would be a good idea to start the car while I was in the house.  I had a mini heart attack when I heard the engine start up. 

6.  There are 2 birthdays in our house this month.  The worse part is that they're only 6 days apart.  There's going to be way too much cake at our house.  Please feel free to stop by and grab some.

7.  We just found out that my husband has to travel for work the week before my son and I head out to California.  He'll get home Sunday and we leave Monday.  At least I'll get a vaction after my week alone with the kids!

8.  While down in Utah, my kids had sleepovers at my Grandma's house.  My Grandma and my kids were both super excited!  They all had so much fun! 

9.  My daughter will be turning 7 this month and has requested this cake.  Talk about sugar overload!  I'm still going to make it for her though.

10.  I'm participating in a choir at my church that is going to perform a newly released musical program by Janice Kapp Perry and Bonnie Hart Murray.  The best part is that they are going to be there for the last performance!  It's been so long since I've been able to do something like this.  Who knows, maybe I'll even start acting again.


© Ella's Place

April 2, 2012

California Here We Come!

Tickets have been purchased.  A hotel and rental car has been reserved.  Plans are being formulated.  And I am getting so very excited!!

My oldest, Teeny, has saved enough money and we are going to the Oakland/San Francisco area at the end of May.  For a week. 

We are heading to see SuperCroc.  My son is beyond excited to get his picture taken by this ferocious fossil.  It will be the culmination of an obsession that has lasted over half of his life. 

He is also super excited because he gets to go on vacation for a week with no one else but Me.  While he loves his siblings, he sometimes feels as if he doesn't get as much of my attention as he wants.  So, this is a big deal to him.  We're going to pack as much fun as we can into our time together.  We will be eating his favorite foods (even though I personally don't care for them):  Chinese & seafood.  He already has the restaurants picked out.  He's decided that we need to visit the zoo on the day that the alligators are fed since we can see SuperCroc any ol' time.  We'll ride the ferry across the bay.  Take another ferry out to Alcatraz.  Walk across the Golden Gate bridge.  Gorge ourselves on ice cream.  And spend every other available minute swimming in the pool at the hotel.

While all these things are interesting, I am especially interested in checking out Trader Joes.  I have heard so much about it from my many blog wanderings and I'm intrigued.  A store that sells cookie butter and chocolate peanut butter.....  I feel the need to go check it out.  The best part is that there is a store down the road from our hotel.  Yes!!!  I think I'm more excited to go there than I am to visit Alcatraz.  My only concern is what I'm going to do if I love it so very much.  There's obviously no location close to me.  I might need to find a supplier. 

Still there is one down side to our trip.  I'm going to have to leave my baby (he'll be 9 months by then) at home with my husband.  I'll have to go a whole week without snuggling, cuddling or kissing him.   And what if he does something amazing and I miss it?  I just don't know how I'm going to handle it.  What if he forgets me?  A week is an awfully long time to a baby. 

I'm pretty sure copious amounts of sugar and chocolate will be involved in helping me get through this.


© Ella's Place

March 22, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break is next week!  I think that I'm more excited than my kids.  No homework.  No waking up way too early in the morning.  (I am not a morning person!!!)  No lunches to make.  No making sure my kids are dressed appropriately for the day.  It's pajamas all day long! 

We'll have to get dressed part of the time because we're heading out this Saturday to visit family in Utah.  It won't be a super busy visit.  We'll hang out with my Grandma Donna.  I love my Grandma.  She is one of the most loving people I know.  She still has board games, puzzles and coloring books that used to be my Dad's.  She's a bit of a hoarder but so are most kids of the Depression.  But it's worked in my favor.  My children love playing with the older toys just as much as I did when I was their age.  She has a game from the 60's, Husker Du, that is my favorite game! 

We'll stay with my Dad and step-Mom.  My Dad is the best Popa.  He gets down on his hands and knees to play with them and makes sure to give each of them his attention.  He doesn't spoil them except when it comes to licorice.  He always has Red Vines licorice.  He manages to go through a whole bag of the family mix when we're there.  He has been known to try and sneak my kids a piece when they are as young as 9 months.  He says that he has to teach them what good licorice tastes like. 

We plan on visiting the Museum of Ancient Life while we're there.  They have the world's largest display of mounted dinosaurs.  The best part is that you get to touch them.  They want you to touch the fossils.  My children love dinosaurs and to be able to touch real dinosaur bones is amazing to them.  It's amazing to me too.  Most places you only get to look.  Needless to say, this is a very kid-friendly museum and we're super excited to visit.

We also have to stop by JC Penney.  Sweet Cheeks starts kindergarten this fall.  She registered last week and is so very excited.  She's already requested a striped backpack.  Do you know how hard it is to find a striped backpack?  There are no striped backpacks up here so I went to the internet and found one down in Utah.  So we are going make a quick visit to the store to pick it up.  The things we do for our children......

And amidst all of this fun, I might be lucky enough to go on a date with my husband.

But don't worry, we'll be back in time to indulge in our "all day pajama fest" by Wednesday!  Yay for lazy days!!!


We had SO much fun.  The Museum of Ancient life was amazing!  It's not too big that you're walking non-stop but it's packed with so much interactive stuff.  Not only did we get to touch some of the fossils,

My almost 2 year old comparing his foot with a Brachiosaurus foot.

but they got to dig up buried fossils in a sand pit. 

 My soon to be 7 year old gently brushing away sand to get to the elusive dinosaur bones.

My 8 year old blowing the sand out the dinosaurs eye socket.

It was perfect.  We will most definitely be going again.  We also got to spend some quality time with family.  And I finally convinced my Grandma to go to the doctor about an open wound on her foot that's been there since November.  I've tried to convince her that she needed to see a doctor about it but she kept delaying.  This time I made the appointment and even drove her there.  

All in all, it was a good trip.  Sadly, school has started back up and I no longer get to sleep in.   


© Ella's Place