December 12, 2011

Outside the Box

I mentioned my little boy broke his leg last month.  They gave him a pretty cast and told us to come back in a month.  During the visit, they mentioned that other toddlers would come back walking with their broken leg in a cast; I was amazed.  I mean their leg is broken!  Wouldn't that hurt?

We quickly became amazed at how well he got around.  Nothing stopped him.  If anything, it taught him how to think outside the box.  He became even more creative in his antics.  Great!  And amazingly enough, it took around 2 weeks for him to start walking on his broken leg.  Needless to say, I wasn't happy.  I mean what if he interrupted the healing process or damaged his leg in some way by not waiting the full month.  It didn't take long to discover that short of tying him to a chair, which is frowned upon, I couldn't stop him.

Now he's running in his cast.  Somethings just should never be said and running in a cast is one of them.  My mind is boggled by my son.  I mean he broke his leg.  He should not be walking much less running.  

So to make myself feel better, I try to justify what he's doing.  I tell myself that if it hurt, he wouldn't do it.  Then I remember that right after he broke his leg, he would flip himself head over foot or just throw himself off the couch without so much as an exclamation of pain.  He's tough.  He will take a running start towards you just to head butt you.  He doesn't even flinch!  And he comes back for more until he forces you to say no more.  Are little boys made of steel?  Or rubber?  Or maybe both?

Whatever they're made of, thank goodness his doctor's appointment is just a week away.  We'll find out if all the guilt I've been feeling is justified or if it's been unnecessary.  I'm hopeful that his leg will okay because he wouldn't be walking on it if it hurt, right?  And they say that putting pressure or weight on your bones will strengthen them.  I'm hoping that the pressure of walking will have strengthened his bones and the doctor will tell me that I've been a good mom by not being able to stop him from walking. 

Can you tell I'm nervous?


© Ella's Place

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