April 20, 2012

Tater Tot

Tater Tot is one of my sons.  It's not his actual name.  But it is a fairly obvious nickname choice since he was born in Idaho where the potato reigns supreme.  My Dad thought it would be funny.  And it's stuck.  We'll see for how long.

I've actually talked about him quite a bit on here.  He is the one who broke his leg and managed to ignore pain and lack of mobility to overcome any and all obstacles in his way.  He is the one who refuses to say more than a few words and rarely any with consistency although we are up to 15 words now with only 8 understandable to others.  He is also my almost two year old who just celebrate his 2nd birthday.  It was Elmo themed; as if there would be any doubt.

What you don't know about him is that he refused to wear shoes until this past winter and only conceded because his toes would get too cold.  Now, he's obsessed!  Not only does he insist that he has shoes on at all times when he's outside but he parades around the house in any pair of shoes that he can get a hold of.  Why is it that little boys are amazing at walking around in oversized high heels?  

He also LOVES being outside!  The moment he discovered it was warm enough to not completely freeze his fingers off, all he wanted to do was be outside.  He spends every minute I allow him outside and has to be dragged in against his will.  

And I can safely say that he does not like strangers.  My sister moved in with us a year ago and it took him 3 months to allow her to hold him for a short time.  He still avoids her if she tries to touch him.  It took 18 months and much licorice for him to allow my Dad to hold him occassionally.  There is a man at our church who has made it his mission to get my son to look at him for more than 1 minute.  It hasn't happened yet.

He also terrorizes his older sister, Sweet Cheeks.  It's so funny because she would terrorize Teeny and now it's come back to bite her in the butt, sometimes literally.  He chases her around while growling and yelling at her.  If she hits him (the same way she would hit Teeny), he slugs her right back.  If she takes away his toy, he bites her; for which I don't approve.  But he also adores her.  If she gets dressed up in her tutu and dances around the living room, he borrows a tutu so he can join in the fun.  He follows her around trying to do everything that she does.  And when he gets caught being less-than-nice to her, he always gives her a kiss and hug to say sorry.

So this is my not-so little Tater Tot.  (The doctor just said that he's all set to be as big as a linebacker when he grows up.)  He's loves to laugh, is an amazing cuddler and doesn't allow small things to get in his way.  He loves shoes, getting dirty outside and ignoring everyone but family.  And if you see him with his sippy cup, take a step back and leave him alone; it's his sacred time. 


© Ella's Place

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